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Achillini, Alessandro

Agricola, Georgius

Alberti, Leone Battista



Babington, John

Baif, Lazare de

Baldi, Bernardino

Baliani, Giovanni Battista

Barocius, Franciscus

Benedetti, Giovanni Battista

Berga, Antonio

Biancani, Giuseppe

Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso

Borro, Girolamo

Boyle, Robert

Branca, Giovanni

Buonamici, Francesco

Buteo, Johannes

Cardano, Girolamo

Casati, Paolo

Castelli, Benedetto

Cataneo, Girolamo

Ceredi, Giuseppe

Ceva, Giovanni

Cicero, M. Tullius

Commandino, Federico

Delfino, Federico

Descartes, Rene



Fabri, Honore

Foscarini, Paolo Antonio

Galilei, Galileo

Gassendi, Pierre

Ghetaldi, Marino

Giphanius, Hubert

Guevara, Giovanni di

Heron Alexandrinus

Heytesbury, William

Hutton, Charles

Jordanus de Nemore

Landi, Bassiano

Lorini, Buonaiuto


Manuzio, Paolo

Marci of Kronland, Johannes Marcus

Mellini, Domenico

Mersenne, Marin

Monantheuil, Henri de

Monte, Guidobaldo del

Morelli, Gregorio

Newton, Isaac

Pacioli, Luca

Pappus Alexandrinus

Salusbury, Thomas

Santbech, Daniel

Schott, Gaspar

Schreck, Johann Terrenz

Stelliola, Niccolò Antonio

Stevin, Simon

Tartaglia, Niccolò

Thomaz, Alvaro


Torricelli, Evangelista

Valerio, Luca

Varro, Michel

Vitruvius Pollio

Wolff, Christian von

Agricola, Georgius (actually Georg Bauer)
born on 24.3.1494 in Glauchau, died on 21.11.1555 in Chemnitz

From 1518 until 1522 Georgius Agricola was rector in Zwickau, where he taught Latin and Greek. He then studied medicine in Leipzig and Italy and worked as municipal doctor in Sankt Joachimsthal from 1527. In 1531 he moved to Chemnitz, where he received an appanage and free housing from the Elector Moritz and later became municipal physician and mayor. Here he began studying mineralogy and mining, whereby as a doctor he was particularly interested in mineralogical remedies. He was the first systematic mineralogist in Germany and is considered the founder of mineralogy. In keeping with their external appearance, he distinguished between simple and compound minerals; he further subdivided the simple minerals into earths, concretions, stones and metals. This system served as the foundation for all further mineralogical works well into the 18th century. Georgius Agricola is the founder of rational German mining, whereby he was skilled at successfully combining theory and praxis. His work De natura fossilium of 1546 is regarded as the first manual of mineralogy. In his book De re metallica, which also contains many alchemistic ideas, Georgius Agricola describes the mining and metallurgical technology of the Erzgebirg region.

Digital texts (1 texts)



De re metallica